Salisbury Rotary Club > News > SALISBURY ROTARY BOAT CRUISE


Members and friends of Salisbury Rotary Club recently joined Wimborne Rotary Club members for a cruise from Poole Harbour (the largest harbour in the world, after Sydney harbour), down to Wareham.

It was a glorious summer evening as we disembarked the harbour, at a leisurely pace down the river Frome, to Wareham, where we moored, for a pre-ordered fish ‘n chips dinner and a drink at the local hostelries, and watched a display of Morrison dancing in the harbour square.

Back on the boat for the return journey as the sun set, it was a joy to see and listen to the wildlife in the reed beds and, as we arrived back in Poole Harbour, it wasn’t over quite yet. Before we disembarked we, and so many others on an extremely busy Poole waterfront, were treated to a fantastic fireworks display in the night time sky. A magical end to a very relaxing and enjoyable evening out.

Peter Mitchell, President of Salisbury Rotary Club, added: ‘If you haven’t done this trip yet, put it on your bucket list – it really was far better than I could have imagined. And, for us it was just another benefit of being a Rotary Club member. Much as we enjoy helping the community, this was definitely an added extra. Give us a shout if you are interested in becoming a Rotarian. You can help your community and have some fun too.’

