Salisbury Rotary Club > News > JOE and ATIQUL JOIN SALISBURY ROTARY CLUB


Newly elected President of the Rotary Club of Salisbury, Peter Mitchell, was delighted to welcome two new members to the Club at its recent meetings.

Joe Addai joins, having transferred to Salisbury Rotary from the Westminster International Rotary Club, and Atiqul Hoque joins, fresh from his year as The Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City of Salisbury.

Both bring a wealth of experience in working with and supporting the community. Joe is a Programme and Project Manager and has worked and been involved in Rotary in many countries. Atiqul, besides being a local councillor, is also a successful restaurateur in the city.

President Peter added: ‘We are delighted to welcome Joe and Atiqul to Salisbury Rotary Club. Both are very committed to helping support those in our community who are not so fortunate, and also both bring a wealth of experience in their business lives.

‘But, let’s be honest. In the current economic climate, there is an increasing demand for community support and you can do your bit by joining Rotary – and also having some fun.  So, why not step forward and join us in Rotary to provide your skills, experience and expertise when and where you can.

‘Please contact us via our website. You will not regret it.‘  

